Historical Background

1-ILOCANO.COM Party started in Summer (April) 2006 with the development of online community projects created by Students (Youths) and Teachers (Professionals) of Agoo Computer College. These projects are for Filipino Students(Youths) and Professors(Professionals). In August __, 2009, we formally register the 1-ILOCANO.COM with the Securities and Exchange Commission having SEC Registration No. _____________.


1. To participate in the National and Local Election as a Party List representing the Youths and the Professionals.
2. To represent the Students (Youths) and Teachers (Professionals) to the House of Representatives.
3. To create systems that would benefits the Students (Youths) and the Teachers (Professionals) by using technology.

Principles (4 Key Values )

1. The solution to high cost of education is technology.
We believe that technology is the solution to the high cost of education.
2. Students (Youths) are future professionals.
3. A Excellent Teacher(Professional) should share all his knowledge to his students.
We believe that the desire to share all knowledge is the first qualification of an excellent teachers.
4. The Philippine Government should protect the students (youths) and teachers (professionals).

Our Platforms:

1. Magna Carta of students in government colleges and universities.
2. Magna Carta of professionals with regards to Continuing Educations.
3. Stronger Anti Software Piracy Law.

1-Ilocano Party List
one ilocano at g m a i l

Principles (Six Key Values)

Every member of the "1-Ilocano" shall abide by the following principles in the actions within the Party.

1 Quality Education for the Youth

We believe in quality education and that the government should invest in ideal educational learning tools.

2 Indigenous Cultural Communities Recognition, Protection and Protection

We are for the recognition, promotion, and protection of Indigenous Cultural Communities and their well-being with due regard to their:
* ancestral domains and lands
* self-governance and empowerment
* social justice and human rights
* cultural integrity

3 Community Based Economics

We believe that it is essential to create a vibrant and sustainable economic system in order to create jobs and provide a decent standard of living for all people while maintaining a healthy ecological balance. A successful economic system will offer meaningful work with dignity, while paying a "living wage" which reflects the real value of a person's work. Local communities must develop an economy that assures protection of the environment and worker's rights, broad citizen participation in planning, and enhancement of our quality of life. We support cooperatives and public enterprises that distribute resources and control to more people through democratic participation.

4 Social and Economic Justice

We believe in the right of every person of working age to socially useful and environmentally sustainable work, access for every person to free quality education and health care, and adequate food, clothing and shelter.

5 Decentralization

We must return power and responsibility to individuals, communities and regions. We must encourage the flourishing of regionally based culture, rather than a dominant monoculture. We must have a decentralized democratic society with our political, economic and social institutions locating power on the smallest scale that is efficient and practical. We must reconcile the need for community and regional self-determination with the need for appropriate centralized regulation in certain matters.

6 Gender Equality

We value women and men equally. We therefore support active and equal involvement of women in politics and encourage women in politics to assume positions of power.